Sunday, August 16, 2015

Finding Freedom

     As you stoop to adjust your seat cushion, a tiny dime glistens...calling you to rescue it from it's obscurity there.  You reach between the cushions and pocket it. You aren't sure why. But seemingly unknown forces caused you to recognize value and attach worth. Brain synapses firing , breaking through murky grey obfuscation. Hurdling barriers or creating new paths to a place permanently etched in engrams, and finding home.
     Freedom is a place carved into the soul.  Lost in the illusion of comfort and security, smothered by fear and trampled by forces of oppression, we may leave it for a while as illicit embers burn underneath the layers  we have allowed to cover it.
      Remember that your legacy as an American is born of freedom. Daring and tenacious enough to fan the flames around the heated gases within our human soul.  We will discover it as it catches our eye again and travels along the permanent pathway from synapse to soul.  Something in our nature will cause us to rescue it from it's obscurity and attach value. Something in our memory will take us back to a time when freedom was our most precious American treasure..
      "Until the next Revolution......".....elrok


  1. OMFG I translated this only to get a preacher's message about the apocalypse? Wow, religious spam as a blog comment, you must have scared him pretty good, or her, lol.
    I had meant to comment on your essay but got side tracked by the comment above. In any case, you are right & I chafe at the restrictions to our freedom & shout at people to WAKE the hell UP, but they are all zombies, we are a nation AWOL--absent without leave. I started to get hope when the Occupy movement started, but now, their targets are just too damned low and near sighted instead of far seeing. The Anonymous movement gives some sparkle of hope but will it continue or peter out like the rest? The founding fathers, not that they were perfect in any way but still, must be rolling in their graves for all the risks they took for a bunch of ungrateful future society of clueless whining selfish & greedy brats.
    Of course, now revolution is known as terrorism and we can be held indefinitely in prisons without due process of law, after finally electing a black man democrat who was supposed to be our savior from the evil of Bush. Two peas from the same pod somehow. I'm a Libertarian, I want Ron Paul, and often believe if we don't elect him, there better be an apocalypse or I may just become homicidal myself.

  2. Fantastic piece elrok! From your mouth to God's ear, as we used to say. Well done fellow patriot. I too look forward to the day when creature comforts take a back seat to freedom. God bless. ~:)

  3. Seems both overstated and obvious to me,and a bit simplistic:a joining of Anger,gentle anarchism,Libertarianism[which abhor unrestricted rapacious free market capitalism in the guise of Freedom,i.e.:Freedom for Me to exploit,to use,to profit without restraint,But Not for Thee,Tea Party thinking,AND(My God:NO!!) Trumpism.

