Sunday, May 26, 2024

Postmaster Angel

......" I was good to ALL of  ' MY 'employees" , quoth one postmaster. ..."if"...this is true, ...and I'm sorry but I have plenty of experience to the contrary...then you are the exception, and not the rule. This place is full of cb's and sob's.....who MUST assimilate to the toxic behaviors in management order to exist in that realm. The USPS is a godless entity.... to whom most PM's and Spvsrs pay homage . Now I ask you...all of you gung-ho freakazoids in management.....'Why would you pay homage to a Godless entity? And to whom...or WHAT exactly ..........are you paying homage ?' When you guys 'suck it up' ...and accept and contribute to the toxic and hostile work environment that IS the USPS.....never daring to question , advise or challenge your devilish are just as much at fault as they are. Complacency is acceptance. Contributing is just plain effed up. You get one narcissistic askhole like Kevin Scullivan or PMG DeJoy in a position of authority , and all of you gotta follow suit like some sort of minions. Terrible, terrible place run by unparented children run amuck with no moral compass or sense of decency. For shame!