Friday, July 8, 2022

Woman Power !!!


“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...'jes don't be birthin' no babies! "

I'm beginning to think it's genetic . Half of this country could not see the gross inhumanity in human slavery, blinded by greed and self-serving that they actually FOUGHT for the right to OWN A SLAVE !
Today, half of this country refuses to acknowledge the sanctity of life ...and will FIGHT for the right to end it without care or regard. It's not half women though. Almost 40 percent of women believe in the sanctity of the life in the womb.
THESE....are the most POWERFUL women.

What the others desire is relief of conscience, and will adulate the devil to find that relief.
Removing the fetus is not like razing scar tissue, cutting out cancer, or sucking out fat in a liposuction procedure. The duplicity in your hypocritical government's leadership may have you temporarily bamboozled.

Today, half of this country hates religion yet feels obliged to exude an almost religious reverence to the liberal left. Whatever they say is Gospel. The hypocrisy is stunning.
It is about the sanctity of LIFE.

It seems pretty easy today,... for me to see the flagrant disregard for the sanctity of life in big city murder rates , mass school shootings, waged wars.... an irregard and disrespect that has eked it's way into every aspect of today's society....from television and movies, ( John Wick 1- 77 killings, John Wick 2- 128 killings, John Wick 3-98 killings) to video games (like GTA, Mortal Combat, Call of Duty),
to much of the most popular modern music. Thugs are cool, so be a thug cuz Biden forbid you might be called a Karen!
So eliminate the life. If there is one thing I have learned after 40 plus years of the argument, it's that WOMEN HAVE THE POWER!
There is not much I can do about that....and I concede. For me, there is nothing more POWERFUL than your capture of another human soul in the fetus, and presenting it to the world with a sense of pride and wonder.

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