I am the 99 percent. I have been sold the American dream that has become a mirage. My life has been pirated , and it's booty re-distributed. I work for unknown reasons to fund unkown causes in unknown lands. I pay with my working life in indentured servitude to "the system". I am a slave. I cannot choose true freedom, lest I be jailed, ostracized , or portrayed a leech. I pay for my illusion of freedom with my working life.
I don't have time to "occupy" Wall Street, Main Street, or any street because I am hard at work paying income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, required insurance taxes, and hoards of hidden taxes including , social security taxes, medicare taxes, electricity taxes, gas taxes, utility taxes resort taxes, convenience taxes, FCC land and cell phone surcharge taxes, finely printed obscured taxes that are re-labeled as "fees". If I want to access "the system", I must pay with my life. In order to be free, ....I must be a slave to this society.
I am "pre-occupied".... and cannot make it to Wall Street. I am the 99% who bought into the dream only to be sold down the river. A subtle oppression.
"...until the next revolution" -elrok-
True, true, true. Resistance is not impossible. It may be something very small like never shopping at Walmart or growing a garden. Resist! Pull at those chains of slavery!