Monday, November 6, 2023

Horses Suck


Horses suck. I almost got clocked like this several times because I only gave the horse one carrot and it wanted the whole bag. Feed 'em twice a day, and there is absolutely no gratitude! Scritch their long face in the places they can't reach, and they will bite you when they tire of it, and then turn around so you can scratch their gigantic butt. If you get clocked like this, it is not a careless accident by one of God's big beautiful beasts. It is attempted murder! ...and their aim is incredible and accurate. Don't bring people you love to come see the " horsie's" Bring people you hate, or want dead. Believe me, it is not just a pecking order thing. They aim to kill! Ingrates!

I suppose there was a time when we needed the beasts to cart us around....but now we have the automobile thank God. There is no need for horses, except in a MacDonalds big mac thank you.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Funeral Fights


Whatever brain chemistry or osmotic chemical flow that produces sometimes a matter of 'personality'.

I had a guy once, question my personal sadness upon the death of a good friend.

My own distinct ' personality'....made me promise him that upon "his" death..."I will not shed a tear! "

Death is a funny thing sometimes. It conjures some of the most unlikely behaviors and responses...beyond those of solemn remorse and reflection. To some, it is a time to "get it all out".

The underlying contempt.The seething subdued anger or jealousy. The things you always wanted to say but could not....... until meeting at Death's door somehow allowed you a chance to unleash...really...the most unlikely of responses.

And then, enter the vultures. Greedy loveless claws grasping for deaths booty, as their loved one watches from the heavens in somber disbelief?

Still, I am proud to be human... (elrok: "What Doesn't Kill You" )

What doesn't kill you....
It is weakness..not strength..that lets a heart harden. Better to stifle the raging pain than feel it. Is there strength in blunting what is your human emotion? Have you evolved in yourself a callousness that you consider strength?
The strength is in keeping your ability to muster emotion. To feel, love,...and to love again. It is in weakness that you build a fortress to keep the pain in these emotions at bay. If there is any truth to be found in the cliche'..."what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" must find out exactly what it is that you have made strong. Is it the new barriers to empathy , love , or emotion? To the passions that make you human? What has made you stronger, just may have killed the human inside.
Keep strong, and do not build these barriers. Your humanity is your strength....

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Dear Congressional Leaders, 


How important is "trust" in a relationship?   It is integral.  

We do not TRUST the United States Postal Service.

Loss of trust in any relationship will lead to it's  erosion and eventual failure. As employees,  our relationship with the U.S. Postal Service requires trust.  Recent actions and inactions by the present Postmaster General have decimated trust amongst its workers. 

It begins here.  The weakest craft with the weakest union has been discovered,  and it's weaknesses have been  exploited.  In this instance, I am talking about the N.R.L.C.A.  ( National Rural Letter Carriers Association)  and the hard working letter carriers that rely on such an entity to communicate with their employer, the United States Postal Service.

Who is in control?   Who ultimately is responsible for postal operations  and communications?  Your Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy. Recently, he has tried to throw his hands in the air and claim that recent corruption within the service is  ..." out of his control" . 

  One of the easiest  ways to eliminate a problem, is to pretend there isn't one. 

The manner and philosophy in which DeJoy has implemented parts of his "10 Year Plan" is more than unscrupulous. 

Dejoy seems corrupt. Or inept. 

... Or worse, ...completely cognizant of his intentional failure to communicate and advise as  a MAJOR change in the system for compensating rural carriers evolves.  It seems that this failure to communicate  has come either through ineptitude or blatant purposeful suppression of the information required to adapt to such changes.

The RRECS system for evaluating rural mail carrier compensation has been conjured in an effort to eliminate the older , well established system.  The new system ( RRECS) has been implemented, with absolutely no information or training provided.  Many of us believe that this was not ineptitude, but intentional. Postal leadership has decided to keep us in the dark.  

Knowledge is power....especially if you are the only one with that knowledge. 

DeJoy has decided that he will attempt to " dis-empower"  the rural letter carriers of this Nation, by keeping them ignorant..and actually WITHHOLDING vital information.  He has provided NO information about this new system, disseminating only  that  which he perceives will further his agenda. 

Now, what of that agenda?  Is it  to make the U.S. Postal service fiscally viable?  Perhaps , ultimately,  there is an agenda and desire to privatize it?  What will DeJoy's " 10  Year Plan" actually reap...when he exhibits these shady behaviors ? 

His plan , and the manner of it's implementation, will further erode the service and dissolve any remaining faith and confidence in the U.S.P.S. as an employer. 

We, as rural letter carriers and employees of the United States Postal  Service, desire SUCCESS for our employer!  We are PRO POSTAL SERVICE!  Why would we want anything else for the entity that employs us!?   

Dejoy and his method of withholding information to keep us powerless,.... will leave long lasting metaphorically visible scars throughout the craft.  He has sowed a terrible seed of mistrust amongst his employees. This mistrust will weigh heavily on productivity  , and become a destructive force in any effort to fiscal viability.  Does DeJoy understand the value of his employees?

Trust. PM General DeJoy seems to deem it unnecessary or irrelevant.  However, we all know that 'trust' is at the very core of any relationship, ...even your relationship with your employer.

After 36 years as an employee of the United States Postal Service.....  they no longer have my trust. 

We  are asking that an investigation into DeJoy's methodology and  implementation of the RRECS system of rural letter carrier compensation be made,  and an attempt to re-establish TRUST be initiated. Though severe damage has been done,   it can be repaired....but time is of the essence. The weakest union in the U.S.P.S. has filed a level 4 grievance , which needs to be addressed AND RESOLVED immediately .  Further delay will deepen the scars DeJoy has marred on those under his employ. Prompt action is needed.   Though the USPS  is a pseudo private corporation, it is your congressional right to control it.  The Postal Service has become like a 4th branch of the U.S. Government, complete with it's own police force!....  only there seems to be no checks and balances. The U.S. Constitution has laid this task squarely in the hands  of our trusted Congress. 

  " When the Constitution was ratified in 1789, the Postal Clause in Article I, Section 8 gave Congress the power "To establish Post Offices and post Roads" and “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper” for executing this task." 

Thank you for your efforts, and thank you for your service to our country.  I know your job isn't easy.



Friday, August 18, 2023

The Knife With the Jagged Edges


They all are smilin' at you 

as you walk into the room 

  and compliment your posture as 

you stride 

You didn't feel it coming 

when  it stuck you inside

  as you pulled it out you felt the Jagged Edges. 

Wincing pain and misery

  Look around so you can see 

who stuck the knife so cleverly 


The one with the Jagged Edges.

The one that slit your sides so easily and was so hard 

to pull out.

Feel it tug at your skin. 

Barbs that tear and rip. 

Look around and see no startled faces.

Look again and see no guilty eyes. 

        Only smiling re-assuring ones. 

And think who's hands once held these Jagged Edges. 


Monday, June 26, 2023





Have you ever been mistreated by a governmental entity?  Perhaps the DMV?  The Post Office? Your local law enforcement officer? The IRS?  

It can baffle the mind how these agencies and those under their employ can  survive  knowing the way they treat each other and the general public. 

Sometimes, I get confused...and I forget.  

They are not real businesses.

 They are ....  '  bastard ' .....businesses.
 Born out of wedlock and without  the true functioning spirit of  entrepreneurialism . 

A man has an business idea!  After a well planned courtship... and after painstakingly pondering it's potential for financial success, he begins to fall in love with it.  A decision MUST BE MADE!   Does he let it go and settle for an ugly maiden?  NO!!  

HE MARRIES IT!    promising to himself that he will do whatever it takes to make it succeed. 
                        His idea !   " HIS "....beautiful , wonderful IDEA!  

 Immaculately  conceived  ..then gestated.... birthed ...nurtured. and grown ...and given  the loving ardor it takes to make it successful.  He knows that the next 30 years of his life , though formidable, ....will be spent in  loving dedication to the one he loves.
Someday!!   .....if their marriage proves to be on solid ground, he may propagate. 
He will reflect  upon his creation with a sense of pride...and revel in it's success.  His little entrepreneurial endeavor becomes much like a son, or daughter...and he has  love and pride in his creation!  

None of this exists with a governmental agency.
It is a place without a soul, often filled with mental misfits that  fill the void. 

These bastard businesses are often born after crazy wild nights of loveless sex. 
Whomever thought to risk engaging in this risky sexual behavior, knows even while he is spewing loveless shots of ejaculate into it...that he will NEVER  be the nurturing parent. His ugly  retarded bastard son will actually survive more than the typical  year or two . 
He has breathed life into an eternal entity carrying the mark of the beast. 

Not worried though.

 When his bastard son with it's  strange and dastardly ways begins to grow and require  some special needs..... or when it's appetite becomes insatiable and it demands  more food and care  than his adoptive parents can provide .....there's always food stamps to get them through.
 He has accepted that his  satanic insatiable illegitimate child is a Beelzebub  . It  will consume souls.

And it will  most likely live for an eternity! 

But that's ok....others will be doing the parenting.


Remember...they are NOT REAL BUSINESSES! 

Blind without the drive required for valuable  foresight,... and VOID of  the determined  spirit and loving  passion of entrepreneurialism,... they see  no need to please those under their employ... or even to please their customers!  

Every business failure will be met with subsidy.
Every employee an irrelevant replaceable drone which  can be treated with careless disregard. 
Every customer  unearned, unimportant, and often unwanted!