Saturday, July 21, 2012

Women Vote Now

     A woman's right to vote just may have changed the world.  Battles...Wars...raised from hell and savagely fought for God or honor,  or perhaps from sheer boredom. Men battles. Real men. Macho men . Testosterone influenced instincts driving them to conquer and control, provide and prosper....persue and lead.

   Women vote now.  Bathed in maternal instincts which make them seek for their children and families.  To nest.  To relax.  Either they chose to free themselves from the obvious oppression,  or men began to understand their value in a fast-changing world capable of destroying itself.
      We are no longer free to reign and conquer. Perhaps the idea was always just a fantasy propagated by women who were really always in control anyway. Females  , whose concerns about safety and security may have pulled us from the brink of destruction, and maybe even extinction. Or perhaps they have   lulled us all into  a  false Eden,....  voting trade our  freedom for a false sense of security.
 Somehow, they have controlled us from an apples first bite. They control birth and our progeny. They have castrated us from the only thing that ever gave our lives true conquer and wage war!    Perhaps one day, there will be an ultimate clash between the sexes,.......A "War of All Wars",......and it will be male against female....balls versus bosoms.....with the weight of gays determining the outcome....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Declaration of Dependence

     When in the Course of governmental actions,  it becomes convenient for  a hum an to embrace the political bands which have separated him , and to deny the nature of his being and the natural powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitles him....a decent indignity to the opinions of the government kind requires that he should declare the causes that have drawn him to this dependence.
      We hold these truths to be convoluted, that all men are created unequal , and that the need or desire to excel shall be limited and regulated by the just bodies to which we declare our dependence.  That we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable Rights, which shall be determined by this entity to which we resign these rights,  as  they assume His role in attempt to be the leaders of Heaven on earth.  We relinquish the abhorrently troublesome per suit of  Life, Liberty, or Happiness to our great and powerful leaders, the oracles to whom we are forever  indebted for the gracious gift of their genius.