How many times have we attached pious deity to our our representatives, only to find them disappointingly human. The soundbites and make-up that made them a cut above. The illusions of knowing their hearts without having had one dinner conversation. Our lives and our dreams placed willingly into their hands. Astounded when they stoop to the ugliness of their own flawed humanity...
It is time that we look up to humble. Political arrogance has cost us our inheritance. These political gods must be humanized. They are no better than us, nor should they be. Traits of humility that allow us to discern, to weigh, to deduce and remedy...are the traits to be desired. Nothing is more dangerous than the delusion of omnipotence...
It is time that we look up to humble. Political arrogance has cost us our inheritance. These political gods must be humanized. They are no better than us, nor should they be. Traits of humility that allow us to discern, to weigh, to deduce and remedy...are the traits to be desired. Nothing is more dangerous than the delusion of omnipotence...