Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Dejoy, Postal Jesus and Savior

  It 'could' be that DeJoy is the Jesus we have all been waiting for. But realistically, he seems like a real bastard and a selfish punk. And of course, ...an extreme narcissist. Even through some miracle where your DeJoy Jesus 'resurrects' the post office.....I will never work for someone I can't trust. What good does it do to save the post office financially...yet make it even more of a shi#hole to work in? DeJoy has already underestimated the mass exodus created by his belligerent antics. He is not a good leader....and is kinduva punk. I can't tell you how disgustingly brazen he, and his minion managers are ..... in the way they disrespect their own employees. They get away with it!! If a person from the street, or from your local Publix...treated me like they do .... we would be having fisticuffs in the street! They are PROTECTED on that workroom floor..... and they use that protection to degrade and abuse through fear, threats, coercion, and intimidation, the inadequate weaklings treating the post office like their own personal kingdom! They must be miserable at home lol. Now, ...if you are a manager....SPEAK UP!! If you are a manager who won't speak up about the obvious consensus of abuse... you are part of the problem! When we speak out here, we are not just a bunch of whiney idiots. Sure, there are a lot of crappy employees. There are a lot of stupid ones. But not all! One of the easiest ways for management to get rid of a problem,...is to DENY that there even IS one! That denial,..could cost the USPS dearly. They had better start to amend their ways.....or financial failure will be eternal.

Dante Gabrielle Rossetti meets Death Cab for Cutie

Rock the Baby's Cradle; Truth or Dare : Olivia's Darkest Secret Scene featuring Coheed and Cambria

Pontoon Gorilla Dance

Monday, August 19, 2024

Beluga Man

250 lbs. of numb-nut idiot tries to be a hero today, and save the planet by tossing my freshly caught finger mullet back into the river. Poorly informed and misguided generation of pussy-whipped fools...trying to impress his pale pasty white computer gaming full body tattoo-ed girlfriend, I guess. Let me set you straight, little big-man. Your two-hundred and fifty pounds of keyboard banging video game playing beluga flesh is no match for this hardened chiseled piece of man meat....so, be careful what you say.....and more careful what you do ...behind your ethereal fantasy that the matter of your mere poundage will somehow save you from the lightning fast adrenaline enhanced blows you are about to take to your jawline. Save the planet on another, safer day...when I'm not around. Those finger mullet you were 'ker-plunking" back into the river , little big Superman, ....are bait. They will die. By my hands, or by the jaws of a tooth filled redfish! My God! Jesus himself might have been stoned to death on the shoreline of the Halifax River!!...., had he dared to perform his fish miracle there! So many mind-numbed spoon-fed quasi intellectual dumbasses.....never left the couch, but have somehow become environmental geniuses. F#$k off! Gheeeezhhh!

Introducing: Miss Sandee Mar, .... Environmental Savior and Genius

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( press "play" button twice for video ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxINTRODUCING KAREN OF THE DAY, MISS SANDEE MAR : Lol... oh boy. I wonder if this is the same lady I caught taking finger mullet out of my bait bucket by the casements and tossing them back into the water a few months ago. You know, I could have had her arrested....but I showed kindness and mercy ;). 🙄... Sandra, Sandra, Sandra.... you poor poor woman....Disneyfied and ill-informed like so many of today's society. Thanks , Walt Disney.....for making a Mouse human... Here she is! Author, Miss Sandra Mar :
Sandee Mar asks: "What kind of fisherman are you to allow fish to lay out there like that and suffer why don't you have a bucket to put should have something on that boat it has where you can put them in water tell you I just don't know about people sometimes " 6 h6 hours ago Reply ELROK Author
Sandee Mar ....sweet, sweet misguided soul. Don't you worry your pretty lil head now. It's gonna be okay....it's gonna be okay.. This was the intermediate transfer from bucket to plate. Fish murder is not a crime yet, but please contact your local legislators. The fish were treated fishmanely, and were given a deep tissue massage with a fish scaler before being devoured on my customer's plate. You shoulda seen what these fish were up to before they were justly caught and imprisoned on my boat!
The whiting had been MURDERING live baby shrimp all morning!! It was a tough choice, but I am PRO-TOUGH Choice. He had to be yanked out of the water and incarcerated in my livewell. After a short onboard court session, he was determined to be GUILTY of over 25 shrimp murders IN JUST ONE DAY!! It would have been a SIN ! ... to send him back into the Halifax and let him continue his mass murder. You can be content to know that he will NEVER murder a cute sweet innocent helpless shrimp 🍤 again!
The rest of these fish were found to be accomplices and accessories after- the-fact. I think they are some kind of gang out of (the Gulf of) Mexico...and are here illegally. Don't worry....I have contacted border control and they are aware of the issue. These other cute, sweet, helpless, struggling, suffocating, lovable, sexy , huggable and kissable fish,... are now awaiting trial in a dark Siberian prison made especially for fish by General Electric.
I hope the trial is fair...and their sentence is short. But you never know. My customers took them to their 'home state' for trial, and the laws are a little different there. What kind of fisherman you ask? I am a SUPER FISHERMAN!
...roving the waters and catching these criminals to ensure truth! Justice! ...and the American way!
Red Lobster, Publix, Winn - Dixie, Aldi's...and your local fish market DO NOT AFFORD THESE FISH A FAIR DAY IN COURT!! Yes! They are often convicted and imprisoned WITHOUT THEIR DAY IN COURT!!! WILD, I KNOW!! ... But these types of fisherman unfortunately exist in today's society, as I am sure you are well aware!
We can all end this injustice by banning these places of business and bringing them to their knees financially! Just be sure to stock up on tofu and fresh produce before we END them!
Thank you, Sandee... for bringing awareness to a problem that has only prevailed in modern American society. People like you .
Attached is a picture of a local convict who was duly sentenced about 3 days ago in a local courtroom.
He ,... and his ENTIRE FAMILY have been convicted, sentenced, then trialed for the torture and murder of over 10, 000...yes TEN THOUSAND!! mud crabs, fiddler crabs, and oysters since February 2024!! WHAT IS GOING WRONG WITH MODERN FISH SOCIETY !!?? I think it has something to do with fish abortions and the erosion of the sanctity of fish life. SometimeS,...I think these fish were raised without any parenting or guidance. Somehow,...they have seen fit to hold human beings in higher regard than their own fish civilization! Sad, I know...but what are we to do?!
If you happen to see any of these fish criminal scoundrels...DO NOT RELEASE THEM !! They steal! They murder! They maraude in gangs and sometimes eat their OWN CHILDREN!! We can all end the senseless suffering by surfacing these underwater criminals and keeping them from wreaking havoc amongst fish society. It's up to us...the fishermen, (and SuperFishermen ;) ) of Planet Earth...to end the senseless slaughter and cannibalism! Thank you again, Sandra Mar..... you have done MUCH for the cause and now MANY local fisherman (and wannabe SuperFishermen like me) .....will soon be posting pictures of the fish that THEY have brought to justice! Grab a scuba mask and take a swim. See what goes on down there for FOR YOURSELF! It is chaos and bedlam!! Interview a school of sharks with a chrome microphone ( please don't use fish to attract them it COULD BE DANGEROUS!) ...and justice can begin to be served....

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Postmaster Angel

......" I was good to ALL of  ' MY 'employees" , quoth one postmaster. ..."if"...this is true, ...and I'm sorry but I have plenty of experience to the contrary...then you are the exception, and not the rule. This place is full of cb's and sob's.....who MUST assimilate to the toxic behaviors in management ...in order to exist in that realm. The USPS is a godless entity.... to whom most PM's and Spvsrs pay homage . Now I ask you...all of you gung-ho freakazoids in management.....'Why would you pay homage to a Godless entity? And to whom...or WHAT exactly ..........are you paying homage ?' When you guys 'suck it up' ...and accept and contribute to the toxic and hostile work environment that IS the USPS.....never daring to question , advise or challenge your devilish leadership.....you are just as much at fault as they are. Complacency is acceptance. Contributing is just plain effed up. You get one narcissistic askhole like Kevin Scullivan or PMG DeJoy in a position of authority , and all of you gotta follow suit like some sort of minions. Terrible, terrible place run by unparented children run amuck with no moral compass or sense of decency. For shame!


Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Answer

Sometimes I ask dear God and Jesus
If He could find a way to pleasus
By sending  answers , I suppose-ess
And I ...could I be His newfound Moses?.

I cannot climb the great Sinai
my mountain's  only six feet high
The answers from those tablets clearly
Showed those  laws that You hold so dearly

But what about my faggot friend?
Did Your crack pipe bring your ultimate end? 
How much was a gram of coke then?
Was crystal meth made with desert sand? 

Why through some strange moral contortion
Have You allowed my sister's abortion?
Does 100 proof vodka make You puke-ess?
Can we kill Islam before they nuke us?

When great Moses scaled Sinai
were his people on a heroin high?

I am waiting
For reply
To my
Bellowed cry
For the answer..

The answer
Might it be
A queersome
A game without
A victory...?
A lie.

Waiting  waiting for reply
But if the answer is a lie...
Then bury me
Under live trees

And tell me
The answer
Tell me
The answer
Tell me
The answer

Monday, November 6, 2023

Horses Suck


Horses suck. I almost got clocked like this several times because I only gave the horse one carrot and it wanted the whole bag. Feed 'em twice a day, and there is absolutely no gratitude! Scritch their long face in the places they can't reach, and they will bite you when they tire of it, and then turn around so you can scratch their gigantic butt. If you get clocked like this, it is not a careless accident by one of God's big beautiful beasts. It is attempted murder! ...and their aim is incredible and accurate. Don't bring people you love to come see the " horsie's" Bring people you hate, or want dead. Believe me, it is not just a pecking order thing. They aim to kill! Ingrates!

I suppose there was a time when we needed the beasts to cart us around....but now we have the automobile thank God. There is no need for horses, except in a MacDonalds big mac thank you.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Funeral Fights


Whatever brain chemistry or osmotic chemical flow that produces it....is sometimes a matter of 'personality'.

I had a guy once, question my personal sadness upon the death of a good friend.

My own distinct ' personality'....made me promise him that upon "his" death..."I will not shed a tear! "

Death is a funny thing sometimes. It conjures some of the most unlikely behaviors and responses...beyond those of solemn remorse and reflection. To some, it is a time to "get it all out".

The underlying contempt.The seething subdued anger or jealousy. The things you always wanted to say but could not....... until meeting at Death's door somehow allowed you a chance to unleash...really...the most unlikely of responses.

And then, enter the vultures. Greedy loveless claws grasping for deaths booty, as their loved one watches from the heavens in somber disbelief?

Still, I am proud to be human... (elrok: "What Doesn't Kill You" )

What doesn't kill you....
It is weakness..not strength..that lets a heart harden. Better to stifle the raging pain than feel it. Is there strength in blunting what is your human emotion? Have you evolved in yourself a callousness that you consider strength?
The strength is in keeping your ability to muster emotion. To feel,...to love,...and to love again. It is in weakness that you build a fortress to keep the pain in these emotions at bay. If there is any truth to be found in the cliche'..."what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"....you must find out exactly what it is that you have made strong. Is it the new barriers to empathy , love , or emotion? To the passions that make you human? What has made you stronger, just may have killed the human inside.
Keep strong, and do not build these barriers. Your humanity is your strength....

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Dear Congressional Leaders, 


How important is "trust" in a relationship?   It is integral.  

We do not TRUST the United States Postal Service.

Loss of trust in any relationship will lead to it's  erosion and eventual failure. As employees,  our relationship with the U.S. Postal Service requires trust.  Recent actions and inactions by the present Postmaster General have decimated trust amongst its workers. 

It begins here.  The weakest craft with the weakest union has been discovered,  and it's weaknesses have been  exploited.  In this instance, I am talking about the N.R.L.C.A.  ( National Rural Letter Carriers Association)  and the hard working letter carriers that rely on such an entity to communicate with their employer, the United States Postal Service.

Who is in control?   Who ultimately is responsible for postal operations  and communications?  Your Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy. Recently, he has tried to throw his hands in the air and claim that recent corruption within the service is  ..." out of his control" . 

  One of the easiest  ways to eliminate a problem, is to pretend there isn't one. 

The manner and philosophy in which DeJoy has implemented parts of his "10 Year Plan" is more than unscrupulous. 

Dejoy seems corrupt. Or inept. 

... Or worse, ...completely cognizant of his intentional failure to communicate and advise as  a MAJOR change in the system for compensating rural carriers evolves.  It seems that this failure to communicate  has come either through ineptitude or blatant purposeful suppression of the information required to adapt to such changes.

The RRECS system for evaluating rural mail carrier compensation has been conjured in an effort to eliminate the older , well established system.  The new system ( RRECS) has been implemented, with absolutely no information or training provided.  Many of us believe that this was not ineptitude, but intentional. Postal leadership has decided to keep us in the dark.  

Knowledge is power....especially if you are the only one with that knowledge. 

DeJoy has decided that he will attempt to " dis-empower"  the rural letter carriers of this Nation, by keeping them ignorant..and actually WITHHOLDING vital information.  He has provided NO information about this new system, disseminating only  that  which he perceives will further his agenda. 

Now, what of that agenda?  Is it  to make the U.S. Postal service fiscally viable?  Perhaps , ultimately,  there is an agenda and desire to privatize it?  What will DeJoy's " 10  Year Plan" actually reap...when he exhibits these shady behaviors ? 

His plan , and the manner of it's implementation, will further erode the service and dissolve any remaining faith and confidence in the U.S.P.S. as an employer. 

We, as rural letter carriers and employees of the United States Postal  Service, desire SUCCESS for our employer!  We are PRO POSTAL SERVICE!  Why would we want anything else for the entity that employs us!?   

Dejoy and his method of withholding information to keep us powerless,.... will leave long lasting metaphorically visible scars throughout the craft.  He has sowed a terrible seed of mistrust amongst his employees. This mistrust will weigh heavily on productivity  , and become a destructive force in any effort to fiscal viability.  Does DeJoy understand the value of his employees?

Trust. PM General DeJoy seems to deem it unnecessary or irrelevant.  However, we all know that 'trust' is at the very core of any relationship, ...even your relationship with your employer.

After 36 years as an employee of the United States Postal Service.....  they no longer have my trust. 

We  are asking that an investigation into DeJoy's methodology and  implementation of the RRECS system of rural letter carrier compensation be made,  and an attempt to re-establish TRUST be initiated. Though severe damage has been done,   it can be repaired....but time is of the essence. The weakest union in the U.S.P.S. has filed a level 4 grievance , which needs to be addressed AND RESOLVED immediately .  Further delay will deepen the scars DeJoy has marred on those under his employ. Prompt action is needed.   Though the USPS  is a pseudo private corporation, it is your congressional right to control it.  The Postal Service has become like a 4th branch of the U.S. Government, complete with it's own police force!....  only there seems to be no checks and balances. The U.S. Constitution has laid this task squarely in the hands  of our trusted Congress. 

  " When the Constitution was ratified in 1789, the Postal Clause in Article I, Section 8 gave Congress the power "To establish Post Offices and post Roads" and “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper” for executing this task." 

Thank you for your efforts, and thank you for your service to our country.  I know your job isn't easy.



Friday, August 18, 2023

The Knife With the Jagged Edges


They all are smilin' at you 

as you walk into the room 

  and compliment your posture as 

you stride 

You didn't feel it coming 

when  it stuck you inside

  as you pulled it out you felt the Jagged Edges. 

Wincing pain and misery

  Look around so you can see 

who stuck the knife so cleverly 


The one with the Jagged Edges.

The one that slit your sides so easily and was so hard 

to pull out.

Feel it tug at your skin. 

Barbs that tear and rip. 

Look around and see no startled faces.

Look again and see no guilty eyes. 

        Only smiling re-assuring ones. 

And think who's hands once held these Jagged Edges. 


Monday, June 26, 2023





Have you ever been mistreated by a governmental entity?  Perhaps the DMV?  The Post Office? Your local law enforcement officer? The IRS?  

It can baffle the mind how these agencies and those under their employ can  survive  knowing the way they treat each other and the general public. 

Sometimes, I get confused...and I forget.  

They are not real businesses.

 They are ....  '  bastard ' .....businesses.
 Born out of wedlock and without  the true functioning spirit of  entrepreneurialism . 

A man has an business idea!  After a well planned courtship... and after painstakingly pondering it's potential for financial success, he begins to fall in love with it.  A decision MUST BE MADE!   Does he let it go and settle for an ugly maiden?  NO!!  

HE MARRIES IT!    promising to himself that he will do whatever it takes to make it succeed. 
                        His idea !   " HIS "....beautiful , wonderful IDEA!  

 Immaculately  conceived  ..then gestated.... birthed ...nurtured. and grown ...and given  the loving ardor it takes to make it successful.  He knows that the next 30 years of his life , though formidable, ....will be spent in  loving dedication to the one he loves.
Someday! Some...day!   .....if their marriage proves to be on solid ground, he may propagate. 
He will reflect  upon his creation with a sense of pride...and revel in it's success.  His little entrepreneurial endeavor becomes much like a son, or daughter...and he has  love and pride in his creation!  

None of this exists with a governmental agency.
It is a place without a soul, often filled with mental misfits that  fill the void. 

These bastard businesses are often born after crazy wild nights of loveless sex. 
Whomever thought to risk engaging in this risky sexual behavior, knows even while he is spewing loveless shots of ejaculate into it...that he will NEVER  be the nurturing parent. His ugly  retarded bastard son will actually survive more than the typical  year or two . 
He has breathed life into an eternal entity carrying the mark of the beast. 

Not worried though.

 When his bastard son with it's  strange and dastardly ways begins to grow and require  some special needs..... or when it's appetite becomes insatiable and it demands  more food and care  than his adoptive parents can provide .....there's always food stamps to get them through.
 He has accepted that his  satanic insatiable illegitimate child is a Beelzebub  . It  will consume souls.

And it will  most likely live for an eternity! 

But that's ok....others will be doing the parenting.


Remember...they are NOT REAL BUSINESSES! 

Blind without the drive required for valuable  foresight,... and VOID of  the determined  spirit and loving  passion of entrepreneurialism,... they see  no need to please those under their employ... or even to please their customers!  

Every business failure will be met with subsidy.
Every employee an irrelevant replaceable drone which  can be treated with careless disregard. 
Every customer  unearned, unimportant, and often unwanted!


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Glue the Hoof Hoppah's

 So...your feet are fat. Super double wides with a hint of toe-nail fungus? You just bought two new pairs of $190 shoes to satisfy your bossman....and the twenty-five miles a day of toiled trudgery you put on them at work...has your ape-sized hooves busting the seams?!

SOLUTION:. 3M's 5200 Marine Adhesive!

Now, don't cheap out on some Walmart brand bathroom caulk! You gotta get the good stuff. Then...go back to work in dem hunnet niney dollah hoof-hoppahs! You may meet some ridicule...but that's ok. Maybe they will focus on your shoes instead of your zombie personality or your lax work ethic


Thursday, September 1, 2022

I Will Not Shed A Tear For You

Eyes straight ahead

A solemn gaze

Stoic and unflinching .

Focused .

This man 

whose tormented heart aches 

in the loss of his love ...

Tears restrained

by levies built strong. 

No weakness here.

Faith, only Faith.

He stands for the eulogy 

and feels a fog of anguish

enveloping him . 

' Stand strong! '  he thinks to himself

'Do not succumb'.....

His weakening knees will not buckle!

...unless in prayer..

He is intent 

on blocking and channeling

 the torrents of would-be pain 

to his reservoir of strength. 

"I will not shed a tear, my dear....

for you are not gone from me

and my heart."

"I will not shed a tear for you."

He stands in prayer and ovation

to the woman he loves

and delivers his eulogy.

The love in his  smile

warms the room

and comforts her friends and family

Waves of pain

attempt to overcome him

but he will not concede.

" You are with me still, my love.  I will not shed a tear for you"

The Faith he has built 

in the course of his years

guide him to a place of peace..

The warm memories that   light up his face.

 takes our pain away , 

Hidden tears break the levies 

and  roll down the side of his cheeks..

his mind filled with loving 


"I will not shed a tear for you, my love. For you are  not gone, and will remain with me forever"

I will not shed a tear.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Woman Power !!!


“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...'jes don't be birthin' no babies! "

I'm beginning to think it's genetic . Half of this country could not see the gross inhumanity in human slavery,...so blinded by greed and self-serving that they actually FOUGHT for the right to OWN A SLAVE !
Today, half of this country refuses to acknowledge the sanctity of life ...and will FIGHT for the right to end it without care or regard. It's not half women though. Almost 40 percent of women believe in the sanctity of the life in the womb.
THESE....are the most POWERFUL women.

What the others desire is relief of conscience, and will adulate the devil to find that relief.
Removing the fetus is not like razing scar tissue, cutting out cancer, or sucking out fat in a liposuction procedure. The duplicity in your hypocritical government's leadership may have you temporarily bamboozled.

Today, half of this country hates religion yet feels obliged to exude an almost religious reverence to the liberal left. Whatever they say is Gospel. The hypocrisy is stunning.
It is about the sanctity of LIFE.

It seems pretty easy today,... for me to see the flagrant disregard for the sanctity of life in big city murder rates , mass school shootings, waged wars.... an irregard and disrespect that has eked it's way into every aspect of today's society....from television and movies, ( John Wick 1- 77 killings, John Wick 2- 128 killings, John Wick 3-98 killings) to video games (like GTA, Mortal Combat, Call of Duty),
to much of the most popular modern music. Thugs are cool, so be a thug cuz Biden forbid you might be called a Karen!
So eliminate the life. If there is one thing I have learned after 40 plus years of the argument, it's that WOMEN HAVE THE POWER!
There is not much I can do about that....and I concede. For me, there is nothing more POWERFUL than your capture of another human soul in the fetus, and presenting it to the world with a sense of pride and wonder.


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Death of my Wife ( a narration by Lucias Rochester)



I try to fall asleep...

   but I can't

because the door is open and

the cold breeze makes my teeth chatter

I lie awake because

   the world baffles me

and my mind like a fly in honey

drags through the thoughts 

of the day 

Making me think.

         bouncing endless pointless thoughts

            off the corners of my mind.

My eyes are closed,  but my mind

    WILL NOT SURRENDER to the tranquil 

state of sleep.

Instead, ..I think,..and arrive at no conclusions.

Stray thoughts combining with each other

trying to join......to fuse.....

Ending in a grappled mass of confusion.

My eyes are burning, because

       I've been staring at the ceiling for 

an hour..and didn't realize they were open.

They saw nothing but the tangled stray thoughts.

They were open, but they could not see

     the reality of the ceiling.

They were blind to that and oblivious...

Somewhere else......

I CANNOT REST!, because

    I reach for the warmth of your body..

and long to breathe your air!

                And you're not there...

I have to wonder if you will be again..


                              ....AND FALL ASLEEP!

Lonely souls live...and tell of your affliction.

TRUST in God and goodness

                 ....do not weep....

It's the key to lasting peace.

You will sleep well tonight and LIVE tomorrow! 

And the sun will shine..

...or the rain will be refreshing!   and wet....

And the cold breeze will feel good,  and make you sleep..........


Monday, October 19, 2020

"the MAN" at Dunlawton

                                                                    "The  'MAN' "
                                                              "  The 'BOY SCOUT' "

I never understood why they don't have a " thumbs down" button to click on in this Facebook thing.                                           
     YES,...you can be legal...and STILL have something to worry about! 
At about 3 a.m. last November, while fishing in my kayak for flounder, I stopped off at the Dunlawton approach to use the restroom on my way to a couple of islands. I pulled up to the ramp and was scurrying to the restroom, when a shadowy figure suddenly appeared from behind the bridge's concrete pillar. He started walking towards me REAL FAST...and cutting me off on my hurried scamper to relieve myself because of the cold, wet night. 
He did not identify himself....and, seeing as it was 3 or 330 in the morning...and we were the only two under the bridge on this dark, cold, lonely night...I thought maybe someone was coming to ROB ME!. Luckily ( in retrospect), I wasn't carrying my concealed...because I might have readied it. 
I stopped and prepared myself for a potential short conversation...and shouted out a short 
"Hey Hey, How's it goin'?"
     There was no response.
     A few steps later, my mind started to think "defense"....and I gazed back at my flounder gig and started walking 'fake'- casually toward my decked out - trolling motor- titled- and -registered -with 3" registration letters on both sides and of course , a running lights, anchor lights, life vest, whistle, flares, and my handy-dandy five year ...."yes ,you are allowed to eat catfish and puffers-but-throw-everything-else-back".... Florida Fishing License. 

     Regulating a Kayak!? Yup! I have on many occasions been the "easy prey" for these fellers, as they stop and empty and check the entire length of my hull for fish.... and check all my credentials for my 3mph 'lectric motor kayak....as a speedy 30 some-odd foot Cigarette boat powers through the manatee zone at 50mph. 

     Well anyways, I started to feel a little relief when the shadowy figure approaching began to come into view. 

     Sheeewsh! It was just a boy scout! Er, well,...maybe a Scoutmaster...as it was a man dressed in green khaki shorts and high tube socks and a scouts highly decorated uniform. 
But uh-oh! Nope! The decoration was a BADGE...and this was " the man".


      I said to him " "ah,...you're the "Man! I was wonderin' who that was!"
He didn't smile or greet me or anything, just asked for all my credentials and safety equipment , then asked if I caught any fish. I was embrarassed a little, and told him "nahhh, nuthin'".. He said "Do you mind if I check your hull?" 

     Well of course I mind! You practically just called me a poacher and a liar!
 I didn't tell him that,...I just thought it.
 I practically 'begged' him if I could 'PLEASE' go use the restroom while he checked the hull. "You know how it is"...I explained. 
The cold wet water, 45 degrees out, and any man knows that you start to begin the 'urine release process' in that situation WELL before you reach the urinal....so I was ready to 'power wash' some porcelain in them Dunlawton facilities, for sure.
 He seemed pissed, pardon-the-pun...but gave me the okay. 

     It took me about 3 1/2 min to empty the bladder, and when I got out he seemed even MORE pissed cuz I took too long! I don't know what his real issue was..but I was thinking to myself... 'Maybe he's tired....or maybe he hates the night shift....or maybe I'm ugly...or maybe he was napping and my damned self prompted him into obligatory duty. Or maybe he was only one-centerfold in to that stack of PLAYBOYS on the dash of his SUV ( which was purposely well-hidden in the dark shadows of the bridge pilons). Whatever the case, some 25 minutes later..he did walk off in a grumble. Sorry boss...I scored 110% on your little field test. Maybe next time.

     I was pretty much done for the night...and was a little ticked-off that he interrupted my 'quick-dash' to the restroom, and I wished I had just pissed into the riverwater like everyone else. One good thing though...as soon has he left the SNOOK started THRASHIN' the schools of finger mullet under the bridge! I strapped on a red-headed bomber and got FOUR SNOOK! One in the SLOT!! I guess I should thank the gestapo man instead having this 'bad-attitude' about being called a thief and a liar by "the man".

      But I won't.                                                                                                                                                                       <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-5988437317975630" async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>

Friday, August 7, 2020

2nd Amendment Fantasy

The right to ' Bear Arms '

No...not the right to have the bear arms from this fuzzy beast!

....The second amendment....was not so much a right to bear arms, as it was a right to have the means necessary to fend off a potentially all-consuming , powerful and oppressive beast..... a.k.a. the ( U.S. ) "Government." 
 Threats to freedom are both foreign ..and domestic !.

Amendment II: 

'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'

However, it is TOO LATE!

We have relinquished our freedom in hopes that we can trust 'THE STATE' to keep us safe. 
What has developed  is an overpowering military and a para-military police force ever growing and ever empowered to make you OBEY! 
The only way to maintain a "militia" powerful enough to secure a 'free state"....would be for everyone to have a small nuclear arsenal instead of a gun rack full of metaphorical pellet guns. 
Why does Orlando need a tank !? Why does Daytona Beach need riot gear?
 Tear gas, flame throwers, grenade launchers?
Airplanes, choppers, speedboats, jetskis, tasers, bomb robots?
High powered weapons, armored trucks, M-16's and M-14's?
Mine resistant vehicles, armored vehicles, Mustang 5.0's?
Bayonets, sniper scopes, mine detectors!!??
Tens of thousands of machine guns, camoflauge, night vision, thermal detectors?
Underwater sound equipment, extreme cold weather trousers, ?
This militarization of your local police forces ...become the military DISGUISED as a police force!
 These are just a small taste of the military-grade arsenal that law enforcement officers have at their disposal – with the military handing them hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of equipment. These are tools of WAR....or for the National Guard,.. that should be stored in your local Armory! 
Got an old musket that still fires? 
Feeling confident with your  gun cabinet full of pea shooters? 
Well it's time to think about exactly what it will take for a 'well regulated militia' to ensure freedom.  

We are Pooh's with Popguns!  Outgunned, out tech-ed, and helpless against  overpowering government  and police force that is armed to the teeth to 'control'  the 'enemy' :  It's own citizenry!!
 Wallow in blissfull ignorance while you stockpile your pea shooters if it makes you feel empowered. 
 But in reality, your 'pistol' is an inadequate  waste of time... 

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